People of Break the Outbreak
Featuring the most notable, outstanding, and hardworking Directors and Executives of Break the Outbreak
Our Founding Story
Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board — Sky Yang, created a website called back in April 9th.
It all began as an effort to create a centralized platform for COVID-19 assistance. When the coronavirus first hit California, hundreds of posts flooded websites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, detailing shortages in supplies. Everyone wanted guidance and resources — but the dialogue was fragmented and disordered. That’s when he decided to create Break the Outbreak.
Our organization at the time was just a website Sky put together in 3 straight days and nights with 3 hours of sleep. Later when Sky met Dr.Sudame, she was like a beacon of light shining through the dark days, and showed him that he could potentially help many many people.
Yang decided to form a team, with Ansh Tripathi, Tanish Kumar, Nephi Calladine and Hannah Purisma to stop the pandemic and make a difference.
At the time, there was a masks shortage, lack of PPE at local restaurants, grocery stores. But with months of recruitment, efforts and outreach with all the hard working members, our corporate partners, people who were dedicated to help our community like Former Vice Mayor Arun Goel. Break the Outbreak turned into a national 501c(3) nonprofit organization expanding to 51 cities and 17 states.
The short term outlook for Break the Outbreak is to limit the spread of COVID-19, support small businesses, homeless shelters, food pantry, hospitals, any places that need our help. “Break the Outbreak” by definition, Breaks the Outbreak around us. We are focused on the COVID-19 outbreak, that the issue is real, the cases are real, the statistics is also real.
Currently we are also working on vaccine awareness, and have project teams set up to test out new ideas including COVID treatment awareness, helping elderly, non-English speaker, people of the service sector register for vaccines; provide support to businesses to sign up for them as well.
The long term plan for Break the Outbreak is to build a better, stronger, sustainable future together with the next-generation of this great nation. We are going to go into various operations after COVID, our chapters can choose what they want to do in our selected operations, all working towards the same goal. We are not just Breaking the Outbreak today, we are shattering the limitation for a better, brighter tomorrow.

Sky Yang
Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board of Directors
I could never achieve what we did without the 400 hard working members, officers, directors of this organization. The immense help we received from corporation partners, donors, advisors. As a youth of this country, I believe the power of multiple, there is nothing that can stop us if we just group up together and want to make a difference.
I want to make a difference, especially during a crisis like this. Life was dark for all of us, it was tough. I have been in search of light in darkness for all my life, this time was no difference. I have a Dream, a vision of the bright future ahead of us that we can pull through this crisis, if we all work together. It is our responsibility, as young people, to ensure that COVID-19 does not endanger more members of our community. I want to make a contribution to the world, to society; and also inspire many others like us to make a difference in this world. One stick is easy to break, but if we all unite together, tens of thousands of sticks are impossible to break.
——————Yang’s Responsibilities————–

Saivishnu Tulugu
Executive Director of Recruiting, Medical Informatics Director
I found out about Break the Outbreak after viewing the official Instagram account in late May and was inspired after looking at the impact my peers were making. I wanted to join the initiative because I too wanted to find a way to give back to the community and use the concepts I learned in school science classes to make a difference during these difficult times. When I initially spoke with Sky and Ansh, they shared their passion and vision with me which I found to be inspiring and joined.
As Director of Medical Informatics I developed three subcommittees that work to compliment the mission of BTOB by making interactive videos and articles to inform the community about scientific and public health issues via the pandemic. We are currently working to develop outreach projects in mental health and poverty to fight the unintended consequences associated with the pandemic.
As Executive Director of Recruiting, I worked to create chapters of BTOB in New York, New Jersey, Washington, Texas and many more states. I also helped chapters expand by giving them personalized sessions on how they could expand and further the mission of the organization.

Alexandra Paul
Executive Director of New York, Director of Recruiting
I found out about Break the Outbreak around 2 months ago. After reading what the goal and mission of Break the Outbreak is, I knew it was something that I had to be a part of. Having the opportunity to give back to my community in such a tough time is an amazing thing, and I’m so grateful to have a part in stopping the spread of Covid-19.
As Director of the New York region, I have had the opportunity to help establish chapters all around the state. I believe that it is really important to have connections between all of the chapters so that there is collaboration, and all of the chapters can help each other gain fundraising and donate more. I oversee everything that happens in the chapters in NY, and in the Manhattan chapter I call businesses, restaurants, and i contribute to the making of all of the PPE that gets donated.
As Director of Recruiting, I help set up new chapters/find prospective chapters, and if they have any questions about starting their chapter, I am there to assist them.

Nephi Calladine
Chief Creative Officer
The founder of this organization has contacted me explaining the operation and what he had planned and asked if I wanted to take part. So I quickly took this opportunity to do what I do best for a good cause.
As the chief creative officer, I am responsible for creating graphic designs and editing media. My contributions are putting together graphic design, (such as posters, banners, pictures, etc) photographer, and video editor. I also help with making the masks and delivering them to the requested arias.

Ansh Tripathi
Co-founder, Chief Financial Officer – Board Of Directors
In less than a year, our organization, Break the Outbreak, has achieved the unthinkable. If someone approached me a year ago today and told me that I would help create a nonprofit organization that fights the COVID-19 virus standing alongside 400+ volunteers across the nation, I would think they’re joking.
In these past 11 months, my role as the Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer has given me more opportunities than I could imagine. I lead a hard working team of over 50 amazing finance officers in the organization, and have formed great relationships with each of them. I was able to meet many amazing people and have been given great opportunities with fellow organizations and friends. All of this as a result of what our team, our family at Break the Outbreak has achieved together.
When Sky first contacted me, he had the crazy idea of starting a nonprofit to help people in need. Since the lockdown had just started and I realized I could do something better with my free time, I took him up on this offer. Our team in Dublin had started out with our first donation to a local pizzeria. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the employees and how grateful they were made me realize how great it is to help people in need.
From there, we kicked off our organization and have come miles ahead of where we began. Looking back at this journey, I will be forever grateful to Break the Outbreak and all of our friends that have helped us get this far as an organization. I look forward to seeing where Break the Outbreak will be another year from now!

Prahalad Chari
Chief Technology Officer, Director of Fremont Chapter
I found out about Break The Outbreak halfway through May via our adult advisor, Dr. Archana Sudame. I immediately decided to join because I would be able to help my community and its small businesses cope with this pandemic. Once I talked to members of other chapters, I was immediately drawn to their enthusiasm. Additionally, I wanted to put my skills with web design to use and found this to be a wonderful way to do so.
We hope to improve the user experience. I also made the system by which senior citizens can order care packages, or businesses can reach out to us and order PPE.
As the Fremont Chapter Director, I oversee everything that happens in our chapter, from making sure our communication officers have enough businesses to contact, to ensuring that we still have enough supplies to continue producing PPE. Alongside the rest of my team, I continue to make and donate face shields and masks. We recently made a large delivery of 87 face shields to Carlton Senior Living.

Yesenia Buenrostro Ramirez
Director of Fresno Chapter
Hello, my name is Yesenia Buenrostro Ramierz and I am the Director of the Fresno Chapter. As a recent Fresno State graduate, and aspiring physician I saw this as a great leadership opportunity to help my community.The main reason I decided to start a chapter in my area was because I strongly believe that there are many pre-health students who have the desire to help their community during these difficult times. The Central Valley lacks many resources, and by starting the Break the Outbreak Chapter I saw the possibility to mobilize committed students to help stop the spread of COVID. I have a very strong and solid team and I am very proud of every single one of my officers. This would not be possible without their commitment and strong desire to help the community.
My personal goal for the Fresno Chapter is to donate continuously to homeless shelters and small local businesses to keep everyone safe. Along with this we hope to provide presentations virtually to elementary school with kid friendly information about COVID and reminding students to stay safe and follow all guidelines.

Nimrit Sodhi
Chapter Director of Appleton
After spending months and months indoors while the world around me continued to face the difficulties that came with our new world of COVID-19, I felt like there needed to be more done within our communities. Luckily, I came across Break the Outbreak, which allowed my lovely chapter members and I to distribute not only masks, but peace of mind throughout our community. By being a part of this organization, we have been able to foster a sense of comfort that was absent in our community since the pandemic struck, and I hope to continue this wonderful work!
As the Director of the Appleton Chapter, I direct and organize our volunteers in order for us to create the most successful change possible. In addition, I have the lovely job of general organization and communication with the creators of the organization! I’m super excited to continue working at the job and hopefully finding new opportunities for the chapter to expand and involve ourselves throughout the community.

Maria Sati
Chapter Director of Bellevue
The global pandemic has impacted our communities in many different ways. I found out about Break the Outbreak through a friend on Instagram— after learning more about the organization and its mission, I knew I had to join this cause. The opportunity of being able to support my community at this unprecedented time was vital to me.
I established the Bellevue chapter for Break the Outbreak in Washington State. As the director, I oversee all operations of our chapter, including delegating tasks to different members, reaching out to places we could potentially donate personal protective equipment(PPE) to, connecting to other chapters in our state, and more. Stopping the spread of the COVID-19 in our communities is essential.
I’ve always believed in the cause of giving back to our community in any way we can, and joining Break the Outbreak had allowed me to make an impact when our community needed us the most. I am very grateful to be part of this organization.

Mathew Mugweru
Birmingham Chapter Director, Acting Chairman of the Marketing Committee
Scrolling through my Instagram feed in the summer months, I would see upsetting stories of the pandemic and its toll on our country and my hometown. Fortunately, it was Instagram that brought me to Break the Outbreak. When I came across the recruiting advertisement for the organization I was instantly hooked by the student-led aspect of Break the Outbreak. Currently, I serve as the Co-Director of the Birmingham, Alabama, chapter and the Vice Chairman of the Marketing Committee. In my hometown, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to work alongside Fernanda Cruz of Pelham High school in contributing to PPE donations in our city. In our most recent donation, we donated just over seventy sustainably made cloth face masks. One of my favorite parts of Break the Outbreak is getting to serve on the marketing committee. I love graphic design and social media, so I was excited when I had the opportunity to become the leader of our social media task force. As vice-chairman, I’ve worked with marketing committee members to revitalize our presence on platforms Instagram and Twitter and to give Break the Outbreak the best look on social media.

Dhruv Rachakonda
Executive Director of Utah, Director of Salt Lake City Chapter – Board Of Directors
My name is Dhruv Rachakonda and I am the Executive Director for all Utah Break the Outbreak chapters. I am also an assistant chair for the marketing committee. As assistant chair for the marketing committee, I assist in managing the social media account for Break the Outbreak and I get the word out about what BTOB is all about. As Executive Director for all Utah Chapters, I ensure that our chapter along with any future chapters (we are still working on getting chapters more in Utah) is on track and I ensure all of us are active in our local communities.
I joined Break the Outbreak because I love helping people. Being stuck indoors all day, there was very little I could do in order to help my community when it needed help the most. When I received a message about starting a new chapter, I took no hesitation to start one up. Being part of Break the Outbreak makes me feel like a better person, as it is crucial to help out in the community especially during these unprecedented times. I hope to continue my work in BTOB even after this pandemic ends.

Shreeram Modi
Director of San Jose Chapter
Seeing how much damage COVID-19 had done to my community I knew that I needed to help out in whatever way I could. After hearing about Break the Outbreak and the great things the organization was able to achieve from some of my friends I decided to look into it some more. I found a thriving community whose mission aligned with mine and co-founded the San Jose branch. Break the Outbreak has given me an amazing opportunity to be able to give back to the community that has supported me for my entire life.
The San Jose Branch has a wide range of tasks, from contacting businesses to making PPE to organizing the actual donation. As the Co-Director, I’m there to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently, and to guide the team through any challenges we face. So far our branch has donated PPE to various places including hospitals, food banks and senior care centers. We were also featured on the San Jose Office of Economic Development’s website.

Arnav Dixit
Director of San Jose Chapter
During the pandemic, I noticed the lives of many were to change and stay uncertain for a long period of time. Saddened by the situation, I wanted to contribute the most I could towards helping the lives of those who may be hardest struck by the pandemic, which is why I decided to start a Break the Outbreak chapter in San Jose when I was approached by a friend. We strongly believe that the PPE that goes to struggling businesses and hospitals contributes to making the lives of those who work at these centers a lot easier and we look forward to continuing to donate PPE to further flatten the curve. I am the Co-Director of the San Jose Chapter in Break the Outbreak and I am mainly in charge of overseeing and managing marketing, communications, and production efforts for our chapter. Joining Break the Outbreak has allowed me to make an everlasting impact in the community around me and our chapter is more than eager to continue helping those who may require PPE in the San Jose area during these unprecedented times!

Chris John
Director of New Hyde Park Chapter
Hey there! My name is Chris Koruth John and in the Summer of 2020, I found out that an organization based out of California was providing volunteer work for local communities, to ease the stress caused by Covid. When I saw this, I knew that I had to get myself and a few friends involved. Due to that, I joined Break the Outbreak so that I would finally have the resources to keep my community safe.
I serve as the Chapter Director of the New Hyde Park Chapter, and on a week to week basis my average schedule varies. Sometimes I may have to plan with all my members on when they are free to donate, some days I may just have to call up businesses with my officers and see what sticks. This constant change being one of the things that keeps me engaged within Break the Outbreak, as well as something that makes being in the organization fun!