I-MASK+: An effective preventative treatment to COVID
Posted on February 22nd, 2021

Written by Esha Iftikhar, Michael Lu, & Kashika Sharma
I-MASK is a cheap and efficient preventative measure the public can take to help protect their immune system against the COVID-19. This measure involves taking vitamins on the daily basis to help strengthen their immune system. Not only is this measure financially beneficial, but also is more efficient and gives people control over their intake. Financially, the cost of these vitamins are very low, and in many cases insurance covers the costs so the public can receive them at a lower rate. This measure is also efficient for many people because you can partake in this method in the comfort of your own home. A benefit to this treatment is that the people have control of which vitamins they are taking, customizing the care as per their needs. The new COVID-19 vaccines have caused an outrage. Many people refuse to take them out of fear of possible dangerous agents in the vaccine. However, with I-MASK, the people have the option to choose which brand they trust, and also have the liberty to choose from different price points. Other COVID-19 treatments are also very beneficial but I-MASK is a measure that the public can self advocate.
I-MASK+ is a form of preventative care which the general population can self administer in order to boost their immune system, which is beneficial to preventing the contraction of Coronavirus. Family Medicine doctors promote prophylactic treatment, as it is easier to prevent contraction than it is to combat disease itself. The prophylaxis protocol consists of taking vitamin supplements such as Ivermectin, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, and Melatonin in order to boost the immune system. According to the EVMS COVID-19 Management Protocol, emphasis is put onto Vitamin D as because Vitamin D deficiency is often coupled with increased risk of contraction and mortality. Melatonin is also a crucial part of this concoction of vitamins because it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and metabolic effects that are important in combating contraction of this disease. I-MASK+ also covers protocols for early treatment in patients who contracted COVID in order to reduce the chances of symptoms progressing substantially. It consists of all the aforementioned vitamin supplements and an added 325mg of aspirin a day. More information on this preventive care measure can be found in the full length EMVS COVID-19 Management Protocol.