A Possible Vaccine For The Novel Coronavirus? – Ruxolitinib
Posted on august 26th, 2020

Written by Esha Iftikhar & Kyla Ilkay
Scientists are speculating that the drug, ruxolitinib, may be effective in combating severe COVID-19 effects in patients. Due to the uncontrollable effects of cytokine storms, patients with severe COVID-19 often require the use of ventilators. Early-stage clinical trials of ruxolitinib show promising results in preliminary studies. The medication ruxolitinib is normally used to treat blood cancers in patients by blocking overactive enzymes in the JAK-STAT pathway. Because this pathway is in the bloodstream where inflammation communication occurs, ruxolitinib will be able to prevent the cytokine storm from harming the human body.
The JAK-STAT pathway (signal transducer and activator of transcription) not only leads the enzymes but also the cytokine response. Cytokines, small proteins that are released by cells in the body systems, control how the body reacts to or fights against antigens, including the activation of immune cells and gathering them to the area containing the antigen. This movement of multiple immune cells in one area creates inflammation. The cytokine sends the signals to the other immune cells through the JAK-STAT, so if this pathway is inhibited by the cytokine this further cascade of immune cells cannot occur. It is important to prevent a cytokine storm because while the movement of multiple immune cells in one area creates inflammation, in some patients, too many cytokines can be released by body cells can cause unintended consequences. This results in hyperinflammation. During the SARS-COV-2 cytokine storm, the lungs can become swollen and result in eventual organ failure.
Ruxolitinib works by suppressing the body’s immune response to viruses even when the immune system is capable of fighting the virus without the drug. Thus, the drug should only be used prior to a cytokine storm to prevent unintended side effects.